Red Notice

Red Notice Audiobook

This is a true story as it is mentioned in the title so beware that the author is going to talk about some of the bitter realities of life in this novel. The author hasn’t added those incidents which were not authentic but he has spiced the true tale with the magical words for which Bill Browder is famous.

The incident took place in 2009 when Sergei Magnitsky was arrested by the police in Moscow. The young lawyer was trying to expose the stealing of 230 million dollars by the Russian Interior Ministry. The fund was raised in the name of taxes and after that, it just vanished from the account.

Red Notice Audiobook
Red Notice Audiobook

The young lawyer was of the view that the government was behind all of that but he was not given the chance to prove the thing. Magnitsky was not only arrested rather he was killed on the same night by eight police officers and the case of his death was never investigated. It was a sad day in history which Adam Grupper has narrated and this declined the worth of the government internationally.

The author wrote this book because he wanted the world to know what is happening in Russia behind closed doors. Browder has talked about everything quite boldly here as he wanted all the people of the world to understand the truth. Give a visit to Freezing Order too whenever you have the chance. These books are not written to create pessimism among the people rather the motive of the author is to bring the truth to the surface so that such things can be stopped in the future.

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