He tells all the people how he became the one with the fate of the earth in his hands. At one time it was on him to save the earth or watch it going to ashes. A mere teenager stood against everything and he was lucky that he was favored by luck too because on his own he was unable to pull off such big missions. Fragments of Old Man’s War and The Collapsing Empire could be found in this story but these can be detected only by those who have gone through all the previous works of the author. Not a lot of sacrifices are seen in Zoe’s tale but the sufferings are there to make it look hard for Zoe.
Zoe’s Tale
Zoe can be called the savior of mankind here and his story has this element of saving the earth but he wanted to save himself first. He is not among those kinds of saviors who are ready to give their lives for a cause. John Scalzi has created a character that is true to the human race but at some points, he does not look much devoted to the cause. His story is told in the first person that means that Zoe is telling the tale without anyone’s help.
It is narrated by Tavia Gilbert but in the story, it is Zoe whom we see narrating the tale. According to the man, everyone on earth knows his famous story and some think that there was no need to tell everything all over again but the problem is that the story present in history was not complete. Certain aspects of Zoe’s action-packed life in space were absent in those history books so he decided to tell all of it again in his voice.
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