Wizard’s First Rule

Wizard’s First Rule is the first chapter of the Sword of Truth novel series. This epic fiction novel is written by Terry Goodkind. If you want to spend some more time with other good books by Terry Goodkind then consider the audio version of his The Law of Nines. After that, you will also like the work of the author in Stone of Tears.

Wizard’s First Rule is narrated by Sam Tsoutsouvas. This was a fantastic vocal performance and unfortunately the only book in the series which is narrated by Sam.

In the aftermath of the vicious murder of his father and a shadowy woman, Kahlan Amnell appeared in the forest sanctuary of Richard Cypher. She was seeking help and something more than that. All of his beliefs and his world were shattered when many of the old debts were due with some thundering violence to go with it.

It took a lot of courage to live in the Dark Age and a lot of courage for challenging all those who had the dominion. Richard and Kahlan were supposed to take on that challenge, and if not then they should be ready to become the next victims. Beyond that, there was a bewitching land awaiting where the best of all their hearts could even betray them. Richard yet feared nothing that what the secrets would be revealed by his sword about his very own soul. Being in love would simply destroy them for many different reasons which Richard just couldn’t imagine and Kahlan might not dare to talk about that.

Wizard’s First Rule is surely a literary masterpiece of Terry Goodkind which will be worth your time and every penny you spend on it.

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