Wardens of Issalia: The Complete Epic Series

Wardens of Issalia: The Complete Epic Series is a collection of the first four books in the Wardens of Issalia novel series. These are science fiction and fantasy books which are written by Jeffrey L. Kohanek. He is good when it comes to writing science fiction, fantasy, and adventure novels. If you are in the mood for some guaranteed entertainment then Wizardoms: Advent of the Drow by Jeffrey is the book for you. Wizards: A Sundered Realm from the same author will also make a very good read.

The audio narration of the series of books is done by Tim Campbell. He did a brilliant job in bringing the characters of this story to life. Everson was the mentally gifted one but he always felt broken from the inside. He was cursed with having non-functional legs. He always dreamed about nothing more than being useful. Quinn, his sister was a brave individual. She was relentless and could do anything for protecting him. Therefore, when Everson was sent far away to a school of invention and magic then Quinn joined the military academy. She took that step so that she could stay close to Everson.

There was grave danger lurking within the fabled foundations. Quinn became part of a struggle that she doesn’t have any idea about. It was the one with dire consequences as her training got much tougher and deadlier. It could well be her relentless determination that could help her in surviving.

This collection of science fiction and fantasy stories would make a fascinating listen. It had great writing, brilliant characters, and amazing voice acting. All in all, it is a book worth your time and money.

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