Use of Weapons is a science fiction novel. It is chapter 3 of the series Culture. The author Of the novel is Lain M. Banks. Lain M. Banks is an author. He wrote mainstream fiction novels. He wrote his successful novel The Wasp Factory. After his success, he began to write full-time. He was rewarded with Tahtivaeltaja and BSFA Awards. He wrote many books some of them are The Wasp Factory, Use of Weapons, Consider Phlebas, and The Players of Games. If you want to read or listen to his best then I recommend you to listen to his The Player of Games and The Hydrogen Sonata novels. These books are getting wonderful comments from listeners.
The narrator of this audio file is Peter Kenny. He narrated this novel with his charming voice. As Peter Kenny is an excellent narrator, so this audio brings happiness to your face. He is fit for this character.

This beautiful novel revolves around the character Cheradenine Zakalwe. Cheradenine Zakalwe is a special agent. He wants to change the fortune of the planet.
Another character of the novel is Diziet Sma, a woman, who was famous who plucked her and pushed her to new fame. She did not know as well she thoughts. The third character of the novel Skaffen-Amtiskaw knew them very well. He saved the life of Diziet Sma once a time when an attacker beat her harshly. This novel is excellent for science fiction.
It seems all the characters of the novel are real-life characters. The author did an excellent job to write this science fiction novel.
This series is wonderful and this novel Use of Weapons as well. I like this novel and want to listen to it once more.