Underpowered Howard

Underpowered Howard is a science fiction and fantasy novel. It is a LitRPG adventure which is authored by John L. Monk. He is from the USA and took on writing after finishing a degree in cultural anthropology. It was a good decision to choose writing as a career especially after you see good novels like Hell’s Children from the author. You will also have a highly enjoyable time with the Chronicles of Ethan Complete Series by the author.

The audio narration of Underpowered Howard is done by Neil Hellegers. It was an amazing performance delivered by Neil who made this book even more interesting and appealing to the listeners. When there is no possible way to win then cheating is the way forward, and then you must cheat big.

There was a game world deep within the Heroes of Mythian where the retirees were known to trade their physical bodies in exchange for the eternity of adventure. That was the place where Howard learned about a terrible secret. The secret was about the game and that it was glitched. Moreover, it was about killing its strongest players forever as well.

Howard was desperate save the countless innocents and as well as his friends. He devised a massive plan to fix things. But, executing that would require a lot of skills and determination. He would also need to have support from some of the unlikely heroes. The book has a great story that belonged to a highly unique universe. The author was excellent at blending action and humor. This is a book that will push you to finish in one sitting. Thanks to such a strong vocal performance by Neil Hellegers.

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