The Well of Eternity: Blizzard Legends

The author Richard A. Knaak gives a warm welcome to the listeners of the series in this opening episode. The War of the Ancients was at its peak when everything gets a dramatic twist and the fate of the war is changed forever. Three heroes from different time zone enter the battlefield and they bring more action along with a twist that the warriors of the time weren’t expecting. Krasus happens to be a dragon mage and he is the first one to land in this strange time zone which he knows nothing about.
With great power in his hands, he has the power to turn the table in any kind of battle but the problem is that he cannot comprehend his motive of being in that specific time. Then there is Rhonin who happens to be a human but his ability to do magic has made him something more than just a mere mortal. Rhonin can bring his powerful magic into action at any level but he too is facing certain problems that have made him lose his focus.

Narrator Ramon De Ocampo has put special attention on this character because he can be the one who can make all the difference in the end. Broxigar i.e the third time traveler is actually someone who is in need of a legendary death because he thinks that he would be remembered forever in this way.

The Legend of Huma and Kaz the Minotaur is nothing in comparison with this tale which is loaded with different concepts. There is magic, time travelling and then there is an epic war between the good and evil of the world.

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