The Unremembered Empire

The Unremembered Empire is the 27th chapter of The Horus Heresy novel series which is a work of science fiction & fantasy. The book is written by Dan Abnett. The English author is known for writing comic books and science fiction and fantasy novels. The Horus Heresy made him a star writer with plenty of excellent novels in the series where Horus Rising is one of them. After this, First and Only is another top-class novel from the author.

The audio narration of this novel is done by David Timson. He narrated this book fabulously and the audience surely had a great time with his soulful voice.\

The realm of the Ultramar were all standing alone, somewhere far out in the Eastern Fringe region. Having sustained the attack of Word Bearer on Calth and then the Shadow Crusade subsequently against the Five Hundred Worlds, things were quite different ahead. It seemed that the Ultramarines primarch Roboute would draw on all of the loyalist armies to Macragge, just as he anticipates a new and better future for humanity.

With so many new fugitives coming in from the war which engulfed the remaining galaxy, the line between foe and friend got blurred. Will Guilliman make a bid for power to battle against the Warmaster Horus? That would be the case when Guilliman was completely isolated by the warp storms from Terra.

The apprehensive behavior of the characters and the drama in the book are amazing. You will also love the fantastic vocal performance given by David Timson for this audio novel. Therefore, this is an audio novel that you could not afford to miss out on at all.

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