Different authors have talked about different types of agents in their stories but hearing about a recovery agent is new to Janet Evanovich. The author tells the listeners about a recovery agent named Gabriela Rose who is best at recovering lost things. The lost object could be anything from a lost purse to a stolen asset and Gabriela will find it within no time because she is the best in her profession.
In this episode, the young woman has some family business to attend because of which she is not going to take any other mission from anyone else. Her family home is going down and she needs money to save it. Instead of thinking about anything else she goes in search of the Ring of Solomon which can link her to a big treasure eventually. Lorelei King narrates the real trouble later in the novel when the audience is told that Gabriela’s ex-husband Rafer has the map of the place where she wants to go.

So she has to work with Rafer who is in no particular hurry. The two form a good team once again and they have a competitor too in the form of a drug lord who also needs the ring to fulfill his desires.
Visions of Sugar Plums and Going Rogue are not connected to old legends, basically, Janet makes an effort for new things in the novel. Here the author has connected it to the legendary Ring of Solomon. One can hope to see such stories further in the future because the author seemed to have enjoyed this one. The treasure hunt brings the two lovers back together but we cannot say whether they will again act as one unit or not.