Two authors and one book shows how much concentration is given to this single book. This story starts somewhere in 1984, it was a time when parents used to select the perfect groom for their daughters. The daughters were not allowed to think in an open way about their life on most occasions. Janet Evanovich and Dorien Kelly have not tried to add anything new in their novel rather they have told us about the era in the exact same manner.
Caroline Maxwell is a woman who wants to break the shackles of tradition, she wants to enjoy life by going around the world like her brothers. Her brother, Eddie, and his friend Jack have been roaming around the world for a long time and they have achieved everything that their heart used to wish for at an early age.

Caroline’s mother has not allowed her the same thing rather she is looking for a perfect match for Caroline. Caroline has made many men run away from her who have tried to approach her with a marriage proposal. This time Lorelei King narrates the character of Jack who comes to Caroline with the marriage proposal. Her mother thinks that he is the right man and somewhere in her heart Caroline also thinks that Jack is the perfect man that can understand her well.
Going Rogue and One for the Money was not like that as they had love scenes in them right from the beginning. This does not happen here because the two characters have passions that they want to fulfill. Caroline in particular comes closer to Jack because he is just like her in his approach toward life and both can roam the world later on after their marriage.