The Hidden Relic

The Hidden Relic is the second chapter of The Everman Saga. It is written by James Maxwell. He has done well as a writer of fiction and fantasy novels. Silver Road novel by the author will ensure that you have a very enjoyable time. The same could also be said about his Copper Chain novel.

The audio narration of The Hidden Relic is done by Simon Vance. He did the job brilliantly and made it a very pleasant audio experience for the listeners of this audio novel.

Having their homeland’s fate still in jeopardy, Ella and Miro, the siblings must prepare themselves to face the evil of the Primate as he found a completely new technique. It was a technique to extract the essence from the blood of humans.

The Primate was temporarily defeated but his home got inhabited by the Everman once. All of their ancient secrets remain there. When the mysterious Evrin set out to destroy everything that he possibly could then the Primate tripped upon an ancient book. It told a hidden relic that came with profound power. He wouldn’t stop at anything to find it.

Realized the way to defeat Primate and also save the Empire was something linked to a hidden relic. Miro Ella, Killian with Ilathor, the desert prince must race ahead to reach the relic and that too before the Primate. If they fail to do the needful then they must prepare themselves to suffer from disastrous consequences.

This is a very enjoyable book with a lovely story and characters. Everything that Simon Vance narrates is wonderful and this is just one such book.

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