The End of the Affair

The End of the Affair Audiobook

Colin Firth was given a serious mission in the form of narration of this novel. The narrator has won quite a lot of fame by narrating different award-winning books. This was a challenge for him because the story is linked to the personal life of the author Graham Greene. Greene also started loving a married woman in the early days of his adulthood and that love affair ended in a disaster after which he was not able to love anyone in the same way.

This is the classic that the author wrote in 1951 and it depicts the story of Bendrix who happens to be a writer just like Greene. The story takes place right at the end of the World War when the author met Sarah for the first time. Bendrix fell in love with Sarah and he was desperate to have her forever. Sarah too loved the man but she was married and she wanted to remain loyal to her husband as well which was not possible if she was having an affair.

The End of the Affair Audiobook
The End of the Affair Audiobook

The Catholic faith forced her to move away from the one whom she loved and remain loyal to her husband. When Brendrix does not find Sarah he starts the search and after finding the truth he gets more heartbroken than ever.

Though The Wife Between Us is written by a different writer somehow we feel that the emotion of the primary characters is painted in the same way in these novels. The climax is completely different in both of these novels because this novel has added faith and religion to it while the other one is about fulfilling your desires.

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