The Dragon’s Egg

The Dragon’s Egg is a science fiction and fantasy novel. It is the opening chapter of the Dragonfall novel series. The book is written by David A. Wells. He was an avid fan of a range of different science fiction and fantasy books all through his younger years and then he converted this interest into writing. The Sovereign of the Seven Isles Omnibus is a very good novel from the author and so is his Cursed Bones.

The novel is narrated by Derek Perkins. He is generally a fantastic narrator but this story was not tailor-made for him. He needs to have some interesting characters and clever characters to shine. Nonetheless, you will be having no major problems with the narration of this audio novel.

It was as much as 75 years ago when the dragons from the sky started to fall. They were earlier thought to be meteorites. Those horrifying six explosions rang the entire world just like a bell. When things got settled a bit then we resumed our lives in a way as if nothing had ever happened.

After more than a decade, five eggs hatched. The dragons which appeared to be quite weak and small kept to their shadows while operating in secrecy. The objective was to persuade the inhabitants for doing their part of bidding and to offer some sort of magic as reward and payment. Years went by and there were absolutely no traces of any evil growing in the midst. But, this didn’t stay that way for long. Things changed when the war erupted.

The book is good. There are no sex scenes at all but there will be a lot of blood in this post-apocalyptic setting.

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