Calamities take everyone by surprise and this is the crucial part because no one is ready for it ever. Even America with all its power and potential was not ready for the planned calamity that struck her very badly. The attack on the world’s strongest country just shook everyone. The infrastructure of the country was disturbed and within moments there was no electricity and shortage of food which made many crumble in seconds.
The government was also surprised to see all of this because it never planned against such an attack. Because of the lawlessness, no one was safe, the life and property of the people was at risk in most of the states where the power failure extended for days. Jim Powell i.e a simple and ordinary citizen was out of his house on a tour and now he realizes that returning home looks impossible.

His car is without fuel and the country has no fuel supply to provide its masses. Walking home can take weeks and during that time Jim’s family would be under threat because of the entire neighborhood going wild. Franklin Horton describes how an ordinary American turns into a hero when the time comes.
Rising of heroes was seen during the books such as Punching Tickets and Child with No Name, Jim Powel in this book is forced to become a hero otherwise he was not aiming at this thing. Smooth flow of Kevin Pierce’s narration further enhances the aroma of the story. One can never get a better scintillating story for the weekend than this. Drama, action, sacrifices and a threat of a dark future, this book has everything in it.