The Art of Seducing a Naked Werewolf

Alpha in the clan is always charged with the duty to protect the rest of the people from any sort of danger from the outside and inside. Usually alpha are the male members of the clan but here Molly Harper changes the concept as she presents Maggie i.e a female as the alpha of the pack of werewolves. She protects the specie from the humans who try to come near it and also from other werewolves who try to enter her domain.

Grundy is the human town near theirs but no human ever dares to cross the line. Nick as an outsider comes to investigate the matter and quickly Maggie is on to it to make him run away. A bite could have been enough but before Maggie could bite Nick he gives her a bunch of kisses which makes her feel something she has never felt before.

Falling for a human is the biggest trouble Maggie can land in especially when werewolves from different clans are also attacking her area. But the temptations make her fall into that bond which is actually impossible because of their difference in specie. My Bluegrass Baby and Nice Werewolves Don’t Bite Vampires never portrayed this sort of lust and it’s funny too the way the couple behaves. Action is also not given a serious look, the author wanted to keep the book less intense.

Amanda Ronconi also gives the meeting of these two lovers a light sound although the temptations are really strong. Want to enjoy a werewolf story with less intense scenes in it then just give this book a go and you will not be disappointed with your pick.

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