Mistborn series started well and then it ended well as well at the trilogy where the Mistborn finally defeated the king and the old order was abolished from the land. People of the land became free that day and after getting their freedom back they started using their potential at their own will. Three centuries have passed now and people have developed in the field of science so much that they don’t follow the old ways of Allomancy anymore. Brandon Sanderson gives the picture of Scadrial like a human city where cars, trains and other things are moving here there. Electricity has become the main power source of the land and no one knows remembers the old order which used to dominate the land. Wax has also come to this developed city after spending a lot many years in the Roughs.

The boy knows how to deal with metal but here it is not just metal with which he has to deal with. Just start with this book and leave Rhythm of War and Starsight for the next week if you have purchase these books too. Michael Kramer’s voice gives the alarm of war wherever necessary in the novel and keeps the listeners alert for the upcoming circumstances. Kramer has dealt with this series quite superbly and if anyone knows about this series completely it is the narrator i.e Michael Kramer. Not a lot of changes are made in the basic theme of the story. The novel still has mysteries and signs of the upcoming war which cannot be averted at any cost. Technology is something new which was not expected by many after the end of the trilogy.