Sweep with Me

The innkeepers of the world are back on holiday which means that Dina and Sean are back in trouble. Long ago a treaty was made among the innkeepers of the world and according to that treaty, all the innkeepers unite on a single day. On this day, no one is allowed to harm anyone, as all of them follow the rules that were made along with the treaty. According to those rules, the inn cannot say no to any customer during the holidays whether the customers are aliens from another planet with no awareness about the rules.

In Red Deer, all have gathered on this big occasion and Dina and Sean have to keep an eye on everything. One wrong move from any guest can destroy everything for which they have worked for all these years. The Treaty Stay begins with the arrival of dangerous guests too who have their plans of coming there. The intergalactic guests are not the only threat to the inn as there are many humans too who have hidden agendas.

Ilona Andrews has laid a strange foundation in this series.  The concept is completely new as it was never heard before in fantasy tales. Moreover, the books like Magic Bites and Magic Bleeds had nothing of this sort in them.

The author comes up with new things and then stuffs them with sensation and other unique things. The narrator of the book had some problems at the start because there were too many characters in those scenes. However, Natalie Naudus comes back really strongly while narrating the second half of the novel and has made it a delight for the fans.

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