Spear of the Emperor

Spear of the Emperor is a science fiction and fantasy series. It is written by Aaron Dembski-Bowden and the book is part of the Warhammer 40,000 series. The author has written science fiction novels and novellas and many of those were appreciated. The First Heretic is a book from the author which is highly recommended and so is his Soul Hunter book which is equally as good.

The audio narration of the book is done by Kelly Hotten. She received mixed reviews. Her selection was justified as the novel needed to have a female perspective. The performance overall was good but not perfect.

The Emperor’s Spears was a Chapter right on the brink of destruction, and they were also the last few of the watchmen over the nebula of Elara’s Veil. The decision of Amadeus Kaias of the Mentor Legion was critical and that would determine the fate of the Chapter.

The Elara’s Veil nebula with their scattered worlds was protected once by the unity oat. It was sworn by the three big Chapters were from the Adeptus Astartes. The Star Scorpions were undone by many flaws which were instilled within their genetic coding. On the other side, the Celestial Lions were ravaged through the Inquisitions for the different sins that they never committed in the first place. After hundreds of years, the vigil was only kept by the Emperor’s Spears. They were the Barbarian watchmen who were known to be against the Outer Dark.

This is a very good science fiction novel and the listeners want to have more of these. The story is simple, yet very exciting. The characters were quite refreshing as well. And, the narrator did a decent job.

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