
Slaughterhouse-Five Audiobook

Kurt Vonnegut has given a lot to the fans of literature which they can enjoy for a very long time. When Cat’s Cradle was published, people were really eager to listen to this story than The Sirens of Titan also became equally famous. This one which is under consideration here really tops the list. Billy Pilgrim is the man who will take you to another side of life for the time being in which you will observe pessimism and hopelessness about life.

Pilgrim was a soldier who performed his services during the World War and at the end of the war when he came home, he realized that he had nothing else to do in his life. All the happiness and the colors of life were snatched away from him during the war years. Now he tried to get involved in life once again but he failed in a really bad way. [Slaughterhouse-Five Audiobook]

Slaughterhouse-Five Audiobook
Slaughterhouse-Five Audiobook

James Franco uses a dull sound in this portion to tell that the man is really feeling sad and tired after the war experience. Then during this sad portion of life, Pilgrim found Montana who was really vibrant and she infused the spirit of love in the soldier once again. The started a love life that ended for Pilgrim years ago but now he started feeling the same vibes again which is a positive thing for him. [Slaughterhouse-Five Audiobook]

The two were also blessed with a child after some time which made their life more enthusiastic. So the novel tells about the different phases of a human’s life. We have to be strong in every situation as this is the only way to move forward in life.

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