Sharp Ends

Sharp Ends is a science fiction and fantasy novel. It is a chapter out of the First Law World novel series which is written by Joe Abercrombie. He is a British film editor and an author. The First Law Trilogy is his most recognized literary world. Half a King is the novel of the author which won the Locus Award for best young adult book in 2015. The Blade Itself and Best Served Cold are two of his most prominent novels.

Steven Pacey and Joe Abercrombie himself narrated this novel in audio. The performance was so beautifully done and you will only have praise for it.

The Union forces might just be full of bastards. But, there was only one there who thinks that he could well save the day and that too singlehandedly. He was Col. Sand dan Glokta.

Curnden Craw and a dozen of his allies went out to recover a highly mysterious item that was somewhere next to Crinna. But, there was a problem there. Nobody had any idea what that item was. Shevedieh was known as the best self-styled thief in entire Styria. She lurched from immense disaster to total catastrophe along Javre, who was her greatest enemy and best friend, all at the same time. After many years of brutal bloodshed, Bethod, the idealistic chieftain was desperate to bring much-needed peace to the North. But, there was still a blocker left and this time it was in the form of the Bloody-Nine…

The novel should have been longer with more details about Javra and Chev. But still, it was a wonderful experience and it will make you wait for more novels in the series.

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