Shaman is hard to defeat but this time the warrior has met his match. Daniel Mahan i.e the Shaman has faced many calamities and tragedies in his life and the man has never backed down from a challenge. All his enemies know this ability and are aware of what he is capable of. Then finally after taking revenge on his enemies Daniel was arrested or perhaps he didn’t want to run now when his mission was finally complete.
He was given eight years imprisonment by the court and then he was also given a proposal that he was unable to resist. The jury gave him an option to live in the game world for eleven months instead of eight years imprisonment. The proposal was a good one because it not only reduced his punishment but also gave him a chance to utilize his energy in a better way.

There was one thing which the Shaman never wanted to say no to i.e a good time on the battlefield. The more he spent time in the battle the more entertaining it became and soon eleven months was over but the game world just didn’t allow Daniel to leave. To leave he had to finish what he started in the game and this makes him stunned.
Vasily Mahanenko the man who knitted Survival Quest and The Karmadont Chess Set always had this concept in mind. This is not the first part but still is equally entertaining for all of us. Jonathan Yen is a real expert in narrating war things and any other narrator would have failed to bring on the real heat in the fight scenes.