Rise of the Weakest Summoner: Volume I

Rise of the Weakest Summoner: Volume 1 is a science fiction and fantasy novel. It is written by J.R. Saileri. The author is good at writing intriguing fantasy and fiction novels. The audio narration of this title is done by Alyssa Poon and Robert Bradvica. The performance overall was great. The only issue was with the dual narrators as you had to deal with small pauses in between dialogues. Apart from that, it was a stunning performance.

A caravan on one fateful day was just passing next to the Teira village. It was raided by the bandits and subsequently set ablaze. Within the rubble of that village, a baby was found by a young woman. That baby was believed to be the only survivor of that incident. The young woman decided to take the baby with her and decided to raise it as her child.

Just when she was about to leave that burning rubble along with the baby a couple of falling stars lit up the entire sky at night. It was for this reason that she named the baby boy Asterios. Years passed by and that baby grew up into a boy while living in a warm and caring home. He developed a great passion for different enchanted beasts and chose the path of a Summoner as well, which would be his way of life. But, his practical abilities were seen to be lacking compatibility with that particular school of magic.

This is a great fantasy story that comes with the element of team progression as well. The narration was also good and all these points are good enough for you to invest your time in this audio novel.

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