Private is a mystery thriller written by James Patterson and coauthored by Maxine Paetro. James Patterson is a highly talented author of mystery thrillers and fiction novels which he has coauthored with several other writers. One such good novel is The Ninth Month while Shattered is another. The audio narration of the Private novel is done by Peter Hermann. The narrator did reasonably well with a decent voice used for the characters.
Jack Morgan was an ex-Marine helicopter pilot who was running Private, an investigation company having branches all across the world. The secrets of the most powerful men and women used to reach Jack on daily basis. His staff there was equipped with the most advanced forensic tools for making and breaking their cases.
Jack was quite busy with the multi-million dollar investigation of the NFL gambling scandal. The other case keeping him busy was the killing of 18 schoolgirls. On top of that, he was presented with another new murder that happened quite close to his home. Jack’s former lover and the wife of his best friend were killed. That case almost pushed him right over the edge and he took it way too personally. Jack pushed back in time and dedicated all of his investigation resources to tracking down her killer.
But Jack is not someone known to play by the rules. Just when he closes in on the killer and chooses between injustice and revenge, Morgan was there to navigate a love affair at the workplace that threatened to destroy all of his plans. This is a superb story of three separate cases which were handled by a private investigator Jack and his ‘Private’ firm. You will enjoy experiencing this story in audio.