Persepolis Rising

Persepolis Rising Audiobook

The seventh novel in the series tells us about the events which took place after Babylon’s Ashes. The people of the world are trying to regain their strength because war has damaged everything which humans worked for in the past centuries. Nemesis Games brought more terror and some thought that humans will get extinct after that but it was not the case.

The survivor instincts of the humans and the bravery and courage of their warriors have kept things going for the last twenty eight years. The Ring station with thirteen hundred gates is still under the control of the Transport Union. There was a time when there was a rogue named Duarte who wanted to take over everything but no one has heard about him for years. [Persepolis Rising Audiobook]

Persepolis Rising Audiobook
Persepolis Rising Audiobook
Some people think that the rogue one has died somewhere in the galaxy but it is not the case because he has been preparing for a big war in order to take back what he lost once. He has built ships and a large army with the help of technology that he found on stranded planets in the galaxy. [Persepolis Rising Audiobook]
Now he is coming back to take over and a big war is approaching which may permanently solve the agenda of domination. James S. A. Corey has Leviathan Wakes for the fans as a treat. Jefferson Mays has not narrated all the parts of the series but he his voice suits the characters very well. The fans hope to listen more from Jefferson because his voice is like a symphony to the ear. The pitch is not high but the voice is clear and the words are understandable all the time.

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