Path of the Specialist

John Banks begins the narration of the novel in a scintillating way because the heroes are in real trouble in this book. They are surrounded by dangers, threats, and problems of various kinds from all sides. Training at the Shelter was once their dream because they wanted to be elite specialists. At this point in time, all of them think that they have made a big mistake because the path of the specialist is not easy.
The four Elder Specialists have made their life a living hell during the training. Training is tough and along with it, they have to face things that they cannot tell anyone. Also taking help from anyone else is never a good idea at the academy. Conspiracies are bringing more harm to the place and several betrayals are expected as well which no one wants to talk about.
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Pedro Urvi describes how ancient tools are used in this hidden war which is slowly coming to the surface. Some ancient powers like those in Frozen Origins and The King’s Secret are also coming to the surface. There will come a time in this war when everyone had to select a side because fighting single handed is never a good idea when your enemy is a thousand year old ancient force.

Elite specialists will play their role in the war if they are able to complete their training in time. Also, the other priority they have is keeping themselves alive till that day when everything will finally come to the surface. The chances are rare because the number of enemies is increasing and the allies are hard to come by.

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