Never Too Late

Never Too Late Audiobook

It is never too late to start your life all over again, this is the message of the author Robyn Carr for everyone who is listening to this book. The message is clear from the title and all one has to do is to listen to the story with an open heart. Clare Wilson was married to the man of her choice and she realized quite later in her life that the man was a complete cheater.

The man deceived her on many occasions but she continued to give him a chance on every occasion because she wanted to continue her married life because of her son. Then came a point where her son also started thinking that she should leave his father. Clare broke relations with her husband and came to the house of her sisters who were also living the same kind of life.

Never Too Late Audiobook
Never Too Late Audiobook

Still Clare’s sisters Maggie and Sarah proved to be quite supportive of her in this sad patch of her life. Then Therese Plummer starts narrating the new love affair of Clare after an accident. Clare’s car met an accident and she was injured badly, the cop who was present on the spot saved her life and took her to the hospital. Now on the hospital bed, Clare thinks that the handsome police officer is actually perfect for her.

Her husband also wants to come back into her life but Clare decides to take the new option which is available to her. Wild Man Creek and Harvest Moon will land you in other hot and romantic stories but this one is written in a freestyle. The author has adopted a style in which the story appears to be full of leisure for all those who are frustrated because of different happenings in their life.

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