My Commander is a paranormal romance novel. It is the first book in the Bewitched and Bewildered novel series. The book is written by Alanea Alder. She started writing at a very young age and soon became a professional writer. Apart from the subject book, My Protector is another brilliant book that Alanea Alder has written.
The audio narration of My Commander is done by Charlotte Kane. She did an awesome job with all the characters and made this book such a pleasant experience in the audio format. When the matter of grandchildren came in during a sewing circle, the matriarchs of the founding families seek out the witch Elder to scry to see if their sans have mates. They were quite shocked to discover that many of the mates of their son were out in the world. They were all human.

It was feared that their future daughters-in-law would end up well before being claimed and providing them all with grandchildren to spoil. They convinced their mates that something in that regard must need to be done. The witch Elder then cast a spell to pull the mate of the warriors to them, whether they want that or not.
Aiden McKenzie was adamant that he doesn’t need a mate at all and that she would just get in the way. He had no time to coddle a female. He likes his world running with military precision.
This is a lovely novel from an outstanding series, and you will feel addicted to it. It comes with a very unique blend of intrigue, danger, humour, and romance. Once you add the paranormal into it then it becomes truly explosive.