Monsters and Legends

Monsters and Legends is a science fiction and fantasy title. It is the first installment in the Infinite Realm Series. The book is authored by Ivan Kal. He is known for writing science fiction and fantasy novels. The Rise of the Empire is a space opera series by the author which was very well received by his followers and those who love science fiction. The Invasion is arguably the best title of the author. You will also find his Guild Master novel to be a really good one as well.

The audio narration of Monsters and Legends is done by Phil Thron. It was a spot-on performance and exactly what this story and its characters needed. You will feel an immediate connection with the characters through his impactful voice. The world came to its end and the ones worthy of it had received a great chance for having a new life within a completely new reality.

Zach grew a lot in power and flourished thoroughly in the post-Framework world. In a quick time, he became a highly respected leader and made a prosperous example of himself that what it meant to be good. But, just when the world ended he had a single thought going on in his mind.

It was about punishing the monster who was responsible for killing the world long before it got ended by the Framework. But, even with all the support of his unique power, he was not able to stand any chance against the World Ender. This is a long story but a very interesting one. You will find it to be unique and original, despite having a pretty common concept behind it.

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