No one wants to die in this world and if we get the chance to meet a dead person then we would be surprised to know that the dead don’t want to come back. Death is an eternal peace that everyone wants in this life but cannot have while he is alive. When a person dies all his worries and pain just vanish with the decaying body and he can finally rest in peace in the heavens above. Well, this is what Jim wanted after his death but ironically he does not get it because he has been raised from his grave without any reason.
He died sixty years ago and now when he gets the chance to come to the world which he used to love he observes that nothing is the same here. Thus he wants to die again so that he can rest but to do so he has to finish a tough job.

There are strange people everywhere who want to fulfill their agendas in life and then there are a few corpses present around too. Author Tahtzee Croshaw writes this novel in a comic mood, although we hear of dead bodies and death wishes we are not scared because nothing is presented in the form of horror.
The author has narrated everything too without taking the help of anybody which has improved the worth of the story. Like Will Save the Galaxy for Food and Differently Morphous it is fun for all ages.
Anyone can get a copy of this novel and can enjoy it again and again without any pause. You are bound to forget about your dinner parties if you start listening to this little episode at night.