Lord John is one of those characters that a person starts idealizing after a while if he likes to adopt the fighting skills of the man. Not only fighting, but Lord John also has many talents that can impress anyone who has a heart of a warrior. Author Diana Gabaldon since she wrote Outlander and Dragonfly in Amber showed a tendency of liking the old warriors.
The whole of the Outlander series was based on the people of the past especially warriors who make their mark in history in different ways. Again it is 1758 to which this part of the series takes us to and the book lands the audience between the big war of Seven Years.

Things are getting dangerous after every step and warriors are losing their lives at a rapid pace. Between this are John and his brother Hal who are cherishing everything like an opportunity. War is not a new thing for them as they have participated in many wars since the day they opted for the profession of a warrior.
Sides are chosen and the fight is on, during these fights we also see the love which reminds us of the previous series even more. Love and sentiments in the war zone are rare to find but in Diana’s works, Jeff Woodman had plenty to offer through narration. Love develops slowly and along with love, there is always a flavor of lust too because we are talking about warriors, not weak men or sentimental poets. Love, at first sight, is also basically an attraction at first sight in this novel after which the love develops during the war scenes.