Logan’s Acadian Wolves

Firstly it should be understood that Kym Grosso does not write for kids and there is no fairy tale love in these story. The love which exists in books of the kind Kade’s Dark Embrace and Tristan’s Lyceum Wolves is hardcore. Logan who is Acadian Wolves’ Alpha, has much to worry about because there are dangerous groups that are coming to eradicate his pack from the face of the world.

He might have dealt with this problem easily but his attention is diverted at present since the time he found a human female. He found Dr. Wynter Ryan in the middle of the night when she was being chased by dangerous men. Logan saved her life and he started feeling attracted towards her.

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He wanted to know more about her but there was no time because the enemy was closing in from all sides and a slight mistake could result in the downfall of the entire pack. Logan is captivated by the beauty of this female and she too starts loving her protector within no time.

Logan can save the love of his life and also the pack at the same time and he has to do it because he cannot afford to lose any one of these two things. Logan is going to fight hard this time as it is the biggest challenge ever thrown at him and to remain with his soul mate, he is going to take down every enemy that is there in the outer world. The alluring scenes are narrated by the magician Ryan West who has a lovely voice for such scenes.

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