Lean Mean Thirteen Audiobook
The thirteenth book does not decrease the fun rather it has enhanced it to the next level for the audience. When Janet Evanovich starts writing a book then the author gives all her enthusiasm to it. Janet is not one of those authors who gets diverted in the middle of creation rather the focus is made strong and this gives an extra edge to the stories that are already taken as a perfect fan favorite material.
Stephanie Plum is not the character who came to the mind of the author all of a sudden rather Janet has toiled hard to create this amazing character that has its falls and still it looks stunning. The reason is the flow a tone that Stephanie Plum has in the series and she never shows that she is feeling that a certain task assigned to her is difficult.

The ever experienced Lorelei King begins the story in a low pitched voice and the narrator takes time before getting into the real rhythm. A few of the listeners of Four to Score and Going Rogue have branded this series as a hilarious one and they are right too. The new listeners who are listening to the series for the first time should not consider this to be a hilarious and comic story only because it has many surprises which an ordinary mind can never guess.
Whenever Stephanie Plum’s series is at hand then it means that you have a great fantasy in your grip and you will not want to miss a single piece of information regarding this series. Stephanie always works with a team that is equally interesting by any means.