Halfway to the Grave

Entering the world created by Jeaniene Frost means that you are going to sit on a rollercoaster quite soon. The world that the author designs is amazing and interesting, although we are aware that nothing is happening for real in the story but somehow we get inclined to the characters and their personalities in general.

Tavia Gilbert narrates Catherine Crawfield here i.e the one who is half vampire. The woman has been looking for her father since her birth or when she became old enough to under herself. She thinks that it is because of her father that her mother suffered so much and she received such a fate. So she wants to kill her father, and that’s why she keeps on hunting vampires.

Halfway to the Grave Audiobook
Halfway to the Grave Audiobook

At Grave’s End and Twice Tempted are also part of the show and there is a lot to follow here. One day Cat was trying to catch vampires when she gets trapped herself. She is caught by a vampire who makes a deal with her i.e if she trains him then he will tell her about the father she is looking for. Reluctantly Cat agrees and slowly she realizes that the vampire she is dealing with is not a bad creature after all.

Perhaps there was a chance that there were good vampires in the world. Soon Cat begins to feel that being a half vampire is not a bad thing after all. Just when things start to look a bit normal, the woman gets tangled up in another mess. A group of hunters attack Cat and the vampire and she has to choose the side for the first time in her life.

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