Girls & Boys

Girls & Boys Audiobook

Dennis Kelly has written this novel on relationships but the author has not tried to sum up things rather the decision is left to the audience. We are free to think in our own way and the author is not going to enforce anything on us. Actually, Dennis wanted us to observe everything in a raw form i.e as it is happening right in front of us.

Carey Mulligan’s voice will change according to the situation in the narration of the book so be prepared for that change and don’t take it as a fault of the narrator because it is intentional. A boy and a girl meet at an airport and they think that they are in love right after the first meeting. It was a romantic thing because they called it to love at first sight.

Girls & Boys Audiobook
Girls & Boys Audiobook

The rest of the things didn’t matter to them so they never bothered to know about each other’s past or the habits they used to have. Everything went like a fantasy in the beginning as the couple started a life together after which they bought a house and had children like a normal loving couple. Life was going absolutely fine when the truth from the past started coming to the surface and disturbing everything.

If a fiction lover is thinking about the change which was there in Desperation in Death then that is not the case here. The author has devoted more attention to the feelings of the boys and girls. Dennis does not conclude whether the decision made by the couple was right or wrong rather he puts the facts in front of the audience and leaves the rest to them.

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