Galaxy in Flames

Galaxy in Flames Audiobook

Warmaster Horus after fighting many battles finally got injured in a battle and the injuries were so deadly that many thought he might not recover. The strong warrior did recover from the grave wounds given to him by his enemies but in the meantime the evil has spread at a rapid pace. No one was there in the absence of Horus to stop the evil forces so after getting well he does not get time to relax and look after himself.

War is waiting for him in the world of Isstvan III where he has to eradicate all the rebels who have decided to take over the world in a deadly way. Ben Counter at the start describes that Horus was not one hundred percent and later when he leads the campaign he never looks tried which is good news for the fans. [Galaxy in Flames Audiobook]
Galaxy in Flames Audiobook
Galaxy in Flames Audiobook

The hero is getting into rhythm and soon he will get over things which have gone out of hands in his absence. Battle for the Abyss ended on the battlefield but this battle gets into severe form when the explosion of the virus bombs is seen. The bombs not only destroy the planet but they also have an impact on the soldiers present in the outer space. [Galaxy in Flames Audiobook]

In a nut shell the entire galaxy gets the impact of the destruction of this rebel planet. Not the end of the war is portrayed rather it is the start of a much bigger war that will go on and engulf all the heroes. Horus in the future will need some help as he is short of friends after this last campaign.

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