First and Only is a science fiction novel. It is chapter 1 of the series Gaunt’s Ghost. The author of the novel is Dan Abnett. Dan Abnett is a comic book writer. He is also a novelist, worked as an editor and writer for comic books. He worked as an editor for comic books. He is rewarded with National Comic Award and best Writer Now Award. He hosted many TV shows. His Famous TV shows are Guardian of the Galaxy, Guardian of the Galaxy vol 2, and Guardian of the Galaxy vol 3. He a large number of books and novels, some of them are Xenos, First and Only, Hours Rising, Penitent, Hereticus, Prosoero Burns, and Malleus. If you want to listen to his best novels in the audible then do refer to his Straight Silver and Horus Rising. These are receiving very good comments from listeners.
The narrator of this novel is Toby Longworth. Toby Longworth is a good and talented narrator. He narrated this novel with a comfortable and clear voice. it seems that he is the best narrator with his brilliant performance.

Imperial Commissar Gaunt, the character of the novel leads his team in-fighting with the forces of Chaos. This is one of the most listening novels.
The Sabat world has been misplaced to the Imperium about a thousand years ago. A huge campaign begins to come back to Imperial. Commissar Gaunt is a Colonel and he is leading this campaign. The enemies are dangerous ghosts. Commissar Gaunt plans to trape them. So finally, they successfully to trapped them in a grinding trench. The mission was very challenging but Commissar Gaunt and his team make it possible to win the war.