
Evil is a Matter of Perspective

Evil is a Matter of Perspective which is written by Adrian Tchaikovsky. It is a collection of short science fiction stories which include multiple other authors. Those authors namely are Courtney Schafer, Alex Marshall, Mazarkis Williams, Shawn Speakman, Jeff Salyards, Teresa Frohock, Brian Staveley, R. Scott Bakker, Marc Turner, and Michael R. Fletcher. As far as Adrian as an author is considered, he has done tremendous quality of work in science fiction and genre. Eyes of the Void is a considerable novel from Adrian.

The audio narration of Evil is a Matter of Perspective is done by Greg Patmore. The pacing of the performance was very good and it will be easy to listen to experience for the audience.

In this collection of great stories, you will find the villains taking the center stage. The listeners here will be cheering a lot for the different bad guys. Some of those wrong heroes will be devious, fearsome and at the same time, brutal antagonists as well. They all could be seen involved in the different savage deeds that lead them towards the wicked ends. And why shouldn’t be done? The characters portrayed here are the champions of their world and their stories, where evil is a matter of perspective.

This one is a very interesting and enjoyable collection of short stories. These stories are very special as they are told from the narrator’s point of view and you will have a great time with them. Overall, you will find these stories to be quite dark and enchanted. If you want to have a quick and short fun with science fiction and fantasy stories then this collection is a must for you.

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