East of Eden

East of Eden Audiobook

John Steinbeck is the writer of this gem and it is narrated by Richard Poe, this means that no one needs to look at the comments of the critics. These two names attest to the thing that the book will be with an awesome beginning, middle and end. There is no way that the book will not leave an impression on the mind and soul of the listener. Of Mice and Men and The Grapes of Wrath are majestic and they stand tall among other books of the era.

Thus all of these books are the journey of the author toward greatness. The scene of action is set in California’s Salinas Valley. Not two characters rather two families are in action here and the name of the families is Trasks and Hamiltons. These two families get engaged in events that resemble the events which were seen in the case of Adam and Eve.

East of Eden Audiobook
East of Eden Audiobook

This means one thing i.e they are going to fall because of a deed that they committed together. Throughout the novel, the story moves on the same pattern and we even feel the intensity of rage that was there between Cain and Abel. The author didn’t select an easy theme and plot for this novel and taking the story in a well-balanced style was quite difficult for him.

He had to keep in mind all the characters and also the situation that was developing around them. The story goes more and more interesting after every event and we become anxious about the end even when we have a hint about it. Don’t take it as an average story because it is not average at all.

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