Dragonquest: Dragonriders of Pern

Dragonquest: Dragonriders of Pern Audiobook

Pern i.e the land where the dragons and humans co-exist has been constantly under different threats for the past few years. Dragonriders have performed extraordinary feats to protect the land from different troubles but F’lar thinks that fighting everything is not the right way.

To end big problems you got to reach the core of everything and eradicating the core is the only best solution for everything. The silver Threads have damaged the life and property of the people of Pern in the past and it was the group of Dragonriders that saved the land. Sadly not everyone was saved because the Dragonriders were not enough in strength and number.

Then when the trouble was over everyone stopped thinking about it. Now the Threads have started to fall once again. F’nor thinks that another deadly mission is needed but the other brother does not believe in it this time. Anne McCaffrey not only talks about the difference of opinion between two brothers but the author also presents two different ways of fighting a war.

 Dick Hill narrates the character of one brother with a calm voice because he is a planner and thinker while the other one gets a rash voice because he thinks that war is the best solution to the problem. Dragonflight and Dragonsdawn were like joint ventures as compared to this where two groups are with different ideas. Both are not ready to accept what the other has in mind and this difference of opinion might cost them the battle this time. If they lose nobody will ever come to know the origin of the Silver Threads.

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