Doing Time is a science fiction novel. It is the first chapter of the series The Time police. Jodi Tylor is the author of the novel. Jodi Taylor is a phenomenal author of romance novels. She is an American. She is a good actress. She wrote many historical romance novels. Her famous books are Trail Through Time, Symphony of Echoes, Just One damned Thing After Another, and many more.
I recommended you to listen to her Just One Damned Thing After Another and The Toast of Time novels. These books are receiving good comments from listeners and readers.
The narrator of the novel is Zara Ramm. She narrated with a sweet and soft voice. She is the best narrator. Her voice is suitable for this character.

The best-selling author, over the world, Jodi Taylor introduced the novel series The Time Police. The story is fantasy. The world is in danger. Everyone feels frightening. Some people want to change history. The Time Police is the only way to keep calm in the world. The Time Police an organized team that is working at the international level. This Police wants to save the world at any cost. They want to save the future. The main characters of the novel are Matthew, Jane, and Luke. These three-person wants to change everything. They are passionate and strong members of The Time Police.
I was amazed to listen to this audio novel. A fully fascinating novel, which grips you till the end. The length of the audio is twelve hours and twenty minutes.
This is an amazing series and this novel Doing Time is a good addition to the series. A wonderful writer and a great narrator.