David and Goliath is a nonfiction title from the health & wellness category of books. It is written and narrated by Malcolm Gladwell. He is a Canadian journalist, public speaker, and author of nonfiction books. I Hate the Ivy Language is one of his other better books. Moreover, the Blink title of the author also deserves to be mentioned here.
Malcolm Gladwell as the narrator of David and Goliath did a tremendous job and you will be all good with this audiobook.
On a battlefield of ancient Palestine some three thousand years ago, there was a shepherd boy who felled a big warrior having nothing more than a sling and stone. Ever since that time, the names of David and Goliath have been taken many times for the battles between the giants and the underdogs. The victory of David in that battle was thought to be miraculous and improbable. He shouldn’t have won that, or should he have?

In this David and Goliath book, Malcolm Gladwell challenged all of his followers that how we all think about the different disadvantages and obstacles in our way to success. He offered everyone a completely new interpretation of what it meant to be categorized against, lose a parent, copes with some disability, or attend an average school.
Malcolm Gladwell started with a real story of what exactly happened between the shepherd boy and the giant many years ago. From there onwards, David and Goliath started ahead to examine all of Northern Ireland’s Troubles. It was the minds of the civil rights leaders and cancer researchers.
Malcolm Gladwell has amazing thoughts about motivation and success, and he always inspires his followers with a fresh perspective every time. David and Goliath is no different book in that regard.