Darkkin Queen

Darkkin Queen Audiobook

The sixteenth book of a series is ample to show that the series has remained a hot thing since the beginning of the first episode. John Conroe spent a huge amount of time in the beginning when he was defining the characters and later all he had to do was to continue in the same fashion. Tatiana is the most awesome character in the novel who is a vampire by birth which means that she had not been beaten by any vampire and this makes her one of the pure breeds. However, this is not the only role which the female has to perform in her life.

She works as the CEO of the company and is doing fine there, then becoming the mate of the God Hammer was never her intention. Now when she has become the mate, she thinks that the experience is not very bad after all. Some say that actually she is a fallen angel and has just misunderstood herself.

Darkkin Queen Audiobook
Darkkin Queen Audiobook

No matter what the reality is, the core of the matter is that the lady is doing fine in her life. These many tasks might be a threat for an ordinary woman but it is not the case with Tatiana who happens to be a mother as well.

Demon Driven and Duel Nature could be raw fun for the fans of this story. Such stories are hard to find these days in which we observe a female playing so many roles to perfection. James Patrick Cronin has not provided a weak sound in narration because the girl in the novel was the strongest of the lot on all occasions.

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