Dare to Lead

Dare to Lead Audiobook

Dare to Lead is a personal success book in the leadership domain. It is written and narrated by Brene Brown. She is an American research professor, lecturer, author, and podcast host. You could benefit highly from her different books where one of them is Daring Greatly. Another book of the author to mention here is Braving the Wilderness. The audio narration of Dare to Lead is beautifully done by Brene Brown.

Leadership is not something that could be linked with status, titles, and wielding power. A leader could be anyone who takes the responsibility for recognizing the potential in the people along with the ideas. On top of that, a leader is also someone who dares to develop that kind of potential. [Dare to Lead Audiobook]

Dare to Lead Audiobook
Dare to Lead Audiobook

When we dare to lead, we don’t pretend to have all the right kinds of answers. We always stay curious and then ask many of the right questions. We don’t see the power as finite and then just hoard it. We know that the power becomes infinite when we try to share it will all the others. We don’t want to avoid any sort of difficult situations and conversations. We rather look to lean into the vulnerability when it was necessary to do the good work. [Dare to Lead Audiobook]

The daring leadership within a culture that is defined by fear, scarcity, and uncertainty requires skill-building around the traits which are uniquely and deeply human. The irony is that we are choosing not to invest somewhere within the developing minds and hearts of the leaders at the exact time as we scramble to find out what we have got to offer which AI and machines couldn’t do better.

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