Creation Mage is the first installment in the War Mage Academy novel series. This science fiction and fantasy novel is written by Dante King. He is a capable author of science fiction and adult fantasy novels. If you try to look for his best titles then Academy for Magical Inmates will surely pop up as one of them. Moreover. Mayor of Elf Town 1 is another widely talked about book by the author.
The audio narration of Creation Mage is done by Marissa Parness and Alex Perone. It was a phenomenal performance by both of the narrators. You will enjoy their powerful voice to the maximum and will have no complaints about it. The very last thing that I expected to have was to gain all of the possible spells of the lady in my bed.
I had no idea at all that magic was something that existed. But, things changed all of a sudden for me that morning when I cast a spell myself. There was a very charming teacher in the magical academy.
She told me once that I had the potential to become the most powerful mage in the universe. To get to that level, I was supposed to become much stronger. Along with that, I had to ace all of my exams. Most importantly, I had to master to most compelling spells of all. The world-building in this novel is simply superb. The story progression was way too fast for the liking of the people and the characters were also a bit shallow. The narration by all means was outstanding. Overall, it will be an average experience for the audience with this title.