Christmas is the season to enjoy and exchange gifts with everyone around you. It is the time of the year that is full of happiness and celebrations. For the students of St Mary’s, it is time to travel back in time once again. The series has always been about time traveling since the launching of the first episode. The students of this institute don’t just study different things that happened in the past rather they actually visit that time in history.
It’s a fun activity for many but the students are told that they must not alter anything in the past because if that happens then there will be serious consequences in the future. Max, Leon, and Matthew are well aware of all that because they are among the senior students of the school. Still, the three of them decide to go back in time on this Christmas Eve so that they can deliver a gift to a former friend. It was a harmless activity that the three friends wanted to perform and they weren’t ready of any kind of consequences.

During their time traveling, they met a stranger who changed the course of their mission permanently. The author of this book Jodi Taylor has written many detailed books in the past such as Christmas Present and About Time.
This one is a short story which we usually don’t see in the author’s creation thus it was a new experiment by her. Zara Ramm is the official narrator of the series and she too had to bring some changes in order to narrate this short story. Though it is a short story it has not disturbed the spice of the series.