Braving the Wilderness

Braving the Wilderness is a health & wellness nonfiction book. It is written and narrated by Brene Brown. She is an American author, lecturer, research professor, and podcast host. If you explore the books written by her then here Dare to Lead will pop up as one of her best. On top of that, she did a brilliant job with the writing of her Daring Greatly novel.

Dr. Brene is known for narrating the majority of her books herself. And she never disappoints as a narrator and this, Braving the Wilderness is no exception.

Dr. Brene in this book could be heard arguing that we are at the time experiencing a great spiritual crisis related to disconnection. In this book, she introduced the listeners to four effective practices of true belonging that would challenge everything that we all truly believe in not just about ourselves but each other as well.

She said that true belonging requires us all to believe in and belong to ourselves so that we can locate the sacredness both in being a definite part of something and in standing all alone, whenever it is required. But, in a culture that is known to be rife with pleasing and perfectionism along with the attrition of civility, it becomes quite easy to stay quiet and hide all of our ideological bunkers.

But at the same time, true belonging is not something that we accomplish or negotiate with others. It is more of a regular, daily practice that asks for authenticity and integrity. On top of that, it is also a personal commitment that we look to carry ahead within our hearts.

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