Born of Fury

Born of Fury is a contemporary paranormal romance novel. It is the eighth book in The League novel series which is authored by Sherrilyn Kenyon. One of her better books for her followers to try out is Kiss of the Night. Another recommended title that the subject author beautifully wrote is Sins of the Night.

The audio narration of the Born of Fury novel is done by Fred Berman. He is a super-talented narrator and this performance easily won the hearts of the audience.

The war was on…

Hauk was one of the fiercest Andarion warriors ever in the world. He was one of the five founding members of Sentella. It was an organization that declared war on the League. They ruled over the Ichidian universe using iron first. They were also terrified of using an army of the best assassins that the League had ever trained.

The enemies of Hauk were legion, but he feared none. He would do whatever it takes to survive and protect Sentella’s brethren. Sumi was one of the best assassins that the league had ever trained. Failure in her world was not an option, and she had never met a target that she couldn’t execute. So, when she was assigned Hauk then she believed it will be a fairly quick and easy mission. But there was nothing as simple as it appeared to be. Hauk on the other side was far better skilled than any of the ones she faced before.

Born of Fury is a very good book. It is a typical Sherrilyn Kenyon book with the formula that she uses in most of her books. However, it worked yet again for the author and her fans.

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