
Blue Moon

A novel with Anita Blake in it should be bought without a second thought in the mind. These novels are expressed fast and the action happens to be the most attractive element in the series. Laurell K. Hamilton’s favourite character, Anita Blake always gets into something big and she thinks that she cannot handle everything.

Still, she is left with no choice but to face the devils and destruction which are coming to her and the rest of the world. Death of a Darklord and Circus of the Damned was so electrifying that the fans bought these books like hotcakes. Kimberly Alexis’ narration has played a great role along with the series and the services cannot be negated at all.

The eighth part of the series presents before us our favourite vampire hunter as she goes for another mission which is a lot more personal in appearance. She has killed vampires who have tried to harm people at night because she is on the good side and wants to keep the peace between the two totally different worlds. So far she has been able to fulfil her objective but this is new i.e her lover is behind bars and she wants to bring that werewolf out of prison.

For this, she is ready to fight anyone who dares to come in the way and she is not taking care of any kind of rules because it is entirely personal and people from both worlds should not mess in this one. Exciting like always, this makes a new picture of the character in our mind as we finally see that she can fight for her own right as well.

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