Blood Rites

Blood Rites Audiobook

The world would not be the same without Harry Dresden, he happens to be a professional wizard but he hasn’t been able to do anything for himself till the present day. He wanted to make some dollars in order to pay the house rent and this started the entire drama of the series. First, he started helping the police in serious cases linked to the world of magic.

After that, he was trapped in the curse and this forced him to act as a minion for the queen of Air and Darkness. At times we saw how Harry put his life and soul on the line for the sake of the fulfillment of the mission. This time it is not an official mission rather it is a personal one because one of his friends needs his help and Harry cannot say no to a friend. [Blood Rites Audiobook]

Blood Rites Audiobook
Blood Rites Audiobook

The friend whom Harry is helping is basically a vampire which means that the case would be related to blood but Harry is not scared of these things when a friend is in trouble. Later Harry finds out that he has actually turned into a criminal who is wanted for several murders. Jim Butcher puts Harry in several trouble in this episode. [Blood Rites Audiobook]

On one side the wizard wants to save his friend and on the other hand, he also wants to save his own skin. The confused voice of Harry is narrated accurately by James Marsters. Fans of Turn Coat and The Law will love this part of the series, actually, every part of this series has brought joy to the audience. This too is about to become a legend within no time.

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