Big Magic

Big Magic is a health & wellness-related nonfiction book. It is written by Elizabeth Gilbert. She is a journalist and a writer. Among her best books, you will find Eat, Pray, Love as one of them. Moreover, The Self-Acceptance Summit: Volume 1 is also a good one from Elizabeth Gilbert.

Elizabeth Gilbert also narrated this book herself. She did it beautifully and the listeners will find it to be an enjoyable and fairly easy listen.

People from different age groups and walks of life have drawn great empowerment and inspiration from different books by Elizabeth Gilbert for many years. That beloved author this time digs way deep within her generative process for sharing her unique perspective and wisdom about creativity. With radiant generosity and profound empathy, she offered excellent insights into the extremely mysterious nature of our inspiration. She asked her followers to embrace our curiosity and let go of all types of unwanted sufferings.

She also showed us all how to best tackle what we love the most and how to face down everything that we fear the most. On top of that, she took some good time out to discuss the approaches, attitudes, and different habits that we all need for living our most creative lives.

Balancing between cheerful pragmatism and soulful spirituality encourages us to find the ‘strange jewels’ which are hidden within each of us. Whether we try to make some art, write a book, embark on a certain dream that is long deferred, or just infuse our lives with more passion and mindfulness, Big Magic would crack open a great world of joy and wonder.

Big Magic is truly an inspirational book. A lot of things shared by the author here will resonate with your past thoughts. Her ideas and great suggestions were so good to hear in her calming voice.

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